About Me
I am a 17 year old wierdo that hops on with tons of hobbies and gets bored easily.
Tried out a bunch of stuff like blender3D, voxel art, making discord bots and telegram bots,
basic python programs, right now i am making an Graphing API and its wrapper.
Thats a summary of all my art, check out more at my instagram handle
well.. 2years ago I stopped uploading stuff here.. there are stil some low-quality videos that my younger self has made :D.
my github.. the most active place for me rn... github is such a blassing that i can share and store so many of my codlets,sources and stuff... you can find the source code fo the api too, go check it out!
My set of utterly crackhead bots.. it was fun to make them and use them.. i have a discord server too, join in!
Denzonium Bot.
Chilly_place Helper Bot (join my server!!)